Why Longevity is likely to have its ‘ChatGPT Moment’ in the Coming Years ?

In the digital age, breakthroughs like ChatGPT have reshaped our understanding of what’s possible with artificial intelligence. Similarly, the field of longevity—a multidisciplinary domain devoted to extending human life and enhancing the quality of those extended years—is on the cusp of its own monumental breakthrough. Here are several reasons why longevity is likely to have …

Beyond Mortality: Technology, Spirituality, are we playing God ?

In an era dominated by technological breakthroughs, humanity stands on the brink of what could be its most astonishing achievement: conquering death itself. As scientists and entrepreneurs channel vast resources into the technologies of longevity, society is compelled to ask profound questions. What are the spiritual implications of extending life indefinitely? How do these pursuits …

Blue Zones: What Are They and Should We All Consider Moving There?

Blue Zones are currently a hot topic, even inspiring their own Netflix series. But what genuinely sets these areas apart from the rest? Located on the coasts of Japan, the shores of Ikaria, or amidst the temperate climate of Sardinia, are communities boasting life expectancies far surpassing the global average, with an exceptionally high number …

Longevity, the first pillar towards a world of abundance…

…And why focusing on longevity matters, in a nutshell. Have we reached our potential as human beings? Not likely. Over the past centuries, life expectancy has increased. The main reason is that we are distinguished from the rest of the animal world by being an intelligent species, building tools, and making discoveries in science and …

My Story

Hi, I’m Gabriel. This is a short presentation of my life, and how I got into Longevity. Since I was a kid, I wanted to be an entrepreneur. When I was in high school, I sold video games to my class mates. Then, with the money I was able to generate, I sold second hand …